Ella Chiu
Generalist / FX Artist
Week 7
​Feedback from Harbor Picture mentor:
Shot 1 – The color of the bracelet is very similar to the cloth in the background, making it easy for the audience to lose focus. Differentiate it from the cloth.
Cartier’s silver options? – Does Cartier offer silver jewelry? The peeling effect (gold wrapping around silver) makes it look gold-plated. Could it be designed to form or resemble white gold instead?
Blog direction – The dynamic camera movement is good. However, the curtain in the second environment looks dirty and old. It needs adjustments—find reference images for a better look.
Shot 4 – Currently, there's only one light. Consider adding a few more for better interaction.
Remove the chair – It’s unnecessary.
Camera framing – The first environment feels too wide, while the second environment is too close. Pull in the framing for the first environment.
Lighting and mood – The first environment needs moodier walls or lighting. Shot 1 could use more dramatic lighting—consider punching in or adjusting the light, similar to an Apple commercial or a motorcycle ad where light passes by dynamically.
Based on our mentor's feedback, professor Fowler suggest me to take out the peeling effects and do a test render to see how the result goes. I darken the gold color of the bracelet and render out one version without peeling effects.
I did test flip book to fix the cloth stuttering in the end of the video. I keyframe the last shot to frame 250, and then render frame 110 - 240. It seems like the cloth slow down in the end, maybe I should try to keyframe the last frame until 260 or 270 and then make the cloth speed consistent.

I also did few lighting test before I render out shot 5.
I render out shot 5 and I'm not sure why the texture of the cloth on the left side is more noticeable than the one on the back. I'm guessing it's because the light reflection or intensity. I'll try to change the light angle and also the intensity and see if that help. If not. I'll lower the displacement map of that cloth.