Ella Chiu
Generalist / FX Artist
Week 3
Yoolji did camera, the motion of the bracelet and the lighting so I add the fx in. The animation of the cloth in the second video needs to refine, it looks bunchy. I think the issue might be due to the guide curve having too small an amplitude, the increased substeps affecting the simulation, or the extruded cloth geometry and insufficient mesh density. I’ll test these factors and adjust accordingly to improve the motion.
I make the light in the flipbook more soft, which can see the details
Feedback from Harbor Picture mentor:
1. Scale of people is off in 2nd environment
2. The way of putting on the bracelet
3. The interaction of cloth simulation should be in a consistent tone, and make sims of cloth flow smoothly.
4. Color palette of the environment
5. Watch the shadow for the shot 5, should be less harsh
6. The lighting of the FX shots refrection show intention
For the cloth, I had different test on making the two cloth flow in the same energy. I make the path of the cloth shorten which can help reduce the speed a little. Right now it still looks a little fast but better than the previous one.
two cloths shot
peeling effect shot
Problem needs to solve:
1. The cloth still looks bunchy when it has the collision with bracelet.
2. May need to make the cloth wider so it looks similar to the reference
​3. Try to make the outer bracelet fully wrap around the inner bracelet in the peeling effect
4. Make the cloth two side but no feel bunchy
We did our first test render, Yoolji did the light and camera, duck gave us the cleaning material and also the material, so I render it out and we probably will make some adjustment.

​The issue with the inner bracelet appearing during the peeling effects has been resolved. The problem was that using VDB for the inner part caused a loss of detail, which made it visible outside the outer objects. The solution was to avoid using VDB and instead use polygon objects.