Ella Chiu
Generalist / FX Artist
Week 4
I did our first test render for shot 5 and the result isn't bad. Hasn't update the lighting, camera and material for this shot.
The feedback from our Harbor Picture mentor:
1. There's no end of the cloth on the reference, make the cloth large enough so we don't see the end.
2. The edge looks sharp and doesn't looks good as the reference, it feels harsh.
3. Make the shot 5 (bracelet reveal shot) to the first shot.
4. Tie the two world together
5. Shot 6 needs more bright background, skip the flakes on the background, and make the cloth more graceful.
6. Think about the silk wight.
Tasks need to do based on the feedback;
1. Make the cloth looks less harsh on the edge.
2. Remove the flakes on the background on shot 6.
3. Makes the cloth looks more light weighte, feels like silk and more graceful.
4. Make the cloth long and large enough and not see the edge.
5. Fix the collision problem cause by the long cloth and the movement of the bracelet.
6. Did a quick test on render out from Houdini onto Unreal using alembic file.
I adjust the cloth to make it less weighted and soft feeling, and also expand the size of the cloth so we won't see the edge of the cloth, it looks more unify with the background. I render in 12 f/s to make the speed slower.